Sunday, 23 October 2011

Unique Content Article on build a gaming pc,z68 chipset,intel,p67,h67,cpu,ram,gpu,motherboard,hard drive,ssd,z68 motherboard

The Z68 Chipset - a Chipset for Multiusers and Game players

by Joseph Robertson

The z68 chipset is Intel's latest chipset release. This chipset takes the best parts of the previous 2 chipsets, H67 and P67, to make the final fan AND casual P.C builder motherboard. It is the culmination in chipsets for the Sandy Bridge line of CPUs. It also represents some pretty cool steps forward in personal computer building.

When building a gaming P.C, one often goes straight for the newest elements. The fastest CPU, the swiftest RAM, the swiftest GPU, the latest motherboard, hard drive, etc. This motherboard release represents a step forward, although not necessarily for everyone. The key to this is that, in terms of gaming power (FPS, or the power to generate video on the monitor), the Z68 chipset does not do anything extra than the P67 - for video games.

That does not imply that the Z68 motherboards can't be utilised by game-players. There are 2 main additions to the Z68 chipset which both the H67 and the P67 motherboards do not have. While Z68 has the on board video the H67 featured (P67 did not), the Z68 boards include a 3rd party program called Virtu - this program basically swaps processing between the onboard and discrete video cards (the card you install yourself) depending on the types of video processing being used. This will not have any effect for gaming , but for things like watching web video or processing high end video type stuff the on board video can handle those things better.

The other part of the Z68 chipset is SSD caching. This is a sweet addition to the gaming armoury if you play games that involve lots of level loading (like RTS or RPG games) - typically this won't have much of an effect on first person shooters beyond speeding up subsequent heaps of the game. This is actually only handy though if you'd like SSD speed but don't want to spend a load of cash on a full sized SSD. The SSD caching employs an SSD in a similar manner as RAM - it will briefly cache the programs being used on the SSD so that successive tons of them will be much faster than off an HDD. If you want on using a full sized SSD though it still is better to just have your OS and programs installed in full on the SSD.

In the end the Z68 chipset proves to be a brilliant chipset for folks who use their systems for multiple things - including P.C gaming. If you want to do video revising and processing, or if you want the velocity of an SSD without paying full price for that speed, then Z68 is a superb choice to build a gaming pc.

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